Kira De Selean

Nacimiento: 06-09-2019
Grp 1& 2- Libre.
Ict. Libre.
SPA PT IB JCH Giltedge Braveheart GPW-17 MBISS RuBISS Aust Ch Goldew Southern Son
BISS RUBISS & ABBIS Aust. Ch. Larbellah Take The Lead
Goldew Jubilation
Giltedge Catching Me Aust Ch MBISS BIS Giltedge Do You Like Apples (A.I.)
Giltedge Catch You Later
Carnaval Dorado Magic Star Ch Vestafjell,s Magic Elf Ch Jako,s Nordic Charm
Ch Fenwood Elle Belle
Dolcissimo Amore De Ria Vela Moloco Monkey Business With Thornywait jw
Jh Pit Lane De Ria Vela
En rojo los que son campeones